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1. InputManager的启动过程分析




Step 1. WindowManagerService.main


  1. public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
  2. implements Watchdog.Monitor {
  3. ......
  4. public static WindowManagerService main(Context context,
  5. PowerManagerService pm, boolean haveInputMethods) {
  6. WMThread thr = new WMThread(context, pm, haveInputMethods);
  7. thr.start();
  8. synchronized (thr) {
  9. while (thr.mService == null) {
  10. try {
  11. thr.wait();
  12. } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  13. }
  14. }
  15. return thr.mService;
  16. }
  17. }
  18. ......
  19. }
public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub implements Watchdog.Monitor { ...... public static WindowManagerService main(Context context, PowerManagerService pm, boolean haveInputMethods) { WMThread thr = new WMThread(context, pm, haveInputMethods); thr.start(); synchronized (thr) { while (thr.mService == null) { try { thr.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } return thr.mService; } } ...... }


Step 2. WMThread.run


  1. public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
  2. implements Watchdog.Monitor {
  3. ......
  4. static class WMThread extends Thread {
  5. ......
  6. public void run() {
  7. ......
  8. WindowManagerService s = new WindowManagerService(mContext, mPM,
  9. mHaveInputMethods);
  10. ......
  11. }
  12. }
  13. ......
  14. }
public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub implements Watchdog.Monitor { ...... static class WMThread extends Thread { ...... public void run() { ...... WindowManagerService s = new WindowManagerService(mContext, mPM, mHaveInputMethods); ...... } } ...... }


Step 3. WindowManagerService<init>


  1. public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub
  2. implements Watchdog.Monitor {
  3. ......
  4. final InputManager mInputManager;
  5. ......
  6. private WindowManagerService(Context context, PowerManagerService pm,
  7. boolean haveInputMethods) {
  8. ......
  9. mInputManager = new InputManager(context, this);
  10. ......
  11. mInputManager.start();
  12. ......
  13. }
  14. ......
  15. }
public class WindowManagerService extends IWindowManager.Stub implements Watchdog.Monitor { ...... final InputManager mInputManager; ...... private WindowManagerService(Context context, PowerManagerService pm, boolean haveInputMethods) { ...... mInputManager = new InputManager(context, this); ...... mInputManager.start(); ...... } ...... }


Step 4. InputManager<init>@java


  1. public class InputManager {
  2. ......
  3. public InputManager(Context context, WindowManagerService windowManagerService) {
  4. this.mContext = context;
  5. this.mWindowManagerService = windowManagerService;
  6. this.mCallbacks = new Callbacks();
  7. init();
  8. }
  9. ......
  10. }
public class InputManager { ...... public InputManager(Context context, WindowManagerService windowManagerService) { this.mContext = context; this.mWindowManagerService = windowManagerService; this.mCallbacks = new Callbacks(); init(); } ...... }


Step 5. InputManager.init


  1. public class InputManager {
  2. ......
  3. private void init() {
  4. Slog.i(TAG, "Initializing input manager");
  5. nativeInit(mCallbacks);
  6. }
  7. ......
  8. }
public class InputManager { ...... private void init() { Slog.i(TAG, "Initializing input manager"); nativeInit(mCallbacks); } ...... }


Step 6. InputManager.nativeInit

这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/jni$ vi com_android_server_InputManager.cpp文件中:

  1. static void android_server_InputManager_nativeInit(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz,
  2. jobject callbacks) {
  3. if (gNativeInputManager == NULL) {
  4. gNativeInputManager = new NativeInputManager(callbacks);
  5. } else {
  6. LOGE("Input manager already initialized.");
  7. jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "Input manager already initialized.");
  8. }
  9. }
static void android_server_InputManager_nativeInit(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jobject callbacks) { if (gNativeInputManager == NULL) { gNativeInputManager = new NativeInputManager(callbacks); } else { LOGE("Input manager already initialized."); jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "Input manager already initialized."); } }


Step 7. NativeInputManager<init>

NativeInputManager类的构造函数定义在frameworks/base/services/jni$ vi com_android_server_InputManager.cpp文件中:

  1. NativeInputManager::NativeInputManager(jobject callbacksObj) :
  2. mFilterTouchEvents(-1), mFilterJumpyTouchEvents(-1), mVirtualKeyQuietTime(-1),
  3. mMaxEventsPerSecond(-1),
  4. mDisplayWidth(-1), mDisplayHeight(-1), mDisplayOrientation(ROTATION_0) {
  5. JNIEnv* env = jniEnv();
  6. mCallbacksObj = env->NewGlobalRef(callbacksObj);
  7. sp<EventHub> eventHub = new EventHub();
  8. mInputManager = new InputManager(eventHub, this, this);
  9. }
NativeInputManager::NativeInputManager(jobject callbacksObj) : mFilterTouchEvents(-1), mFilterJumpyTouchEvents(-1), mVirtualKeyQuietTime(-1), mMaxEventsPerSecond(-1), mDisplayWidth(-1), mDisplayHeight(-1), mDisplayOrientation(ROTATION_0) { JNIEnv* env = jniEnv(); mCallbacksObj = env->NewGlobalRef(callbacksObj); sp<EventHub> eventHub = new EventHub(); mInputManager = new InputManager(eventHub, this, this); }


Step 8. InputManager<init>@C++

C++层的InputManager类的构造函数定义在frameworks/base/libs/ui/InputManager.cpp 文件中:

  1. InputManager::InputManager(
  2. const sp<EventHubInterface>& eventHub,
  3. const sp<InputReaderPolicyInterface>& readerPolicy,
  4. const sp<InputDispatcherPolicyInterface>& dispatcherPolicy) {
  5. mDispatcher = new InputDispatcher(dispatcherPolicy);
  6. mReader = new InputReader(eventHub, readerPolicy, mDispatcher);
  7. initialize();
  8. }
InputManager::InputManager( const sp<EventHubInterface>& eventHub, const sp<InputReaderPolicyInterface>& readerPolicy, const sp<InputDispatcherPolicyInterface>& dispatcherPolicy) { mDispatcher = new InputDispatcher(dispatcherPolicy); mReader = new InputReader(eventHub, readerPolicy, mDispatcher); initialize(); }


Step 9. InputManager.initialize

这个函数定义在frameworks/base/libs/ui/InputManager.cpp 文件中:

  1. void InputManager::initialize() {
  2. mReaderThread = new InputReaderThread(mReader);
  3. mDispatcherThread = new InputDispatcherThread(mDispatcher);
  4. }
void InputManager::initialize() { mReaderThread = new InputReaderThread(mReader); mDispatcherThread = new InputDispatcherThread(mDispatcher); }


至此,InputManager的初始化工作就完成了,在回到Step 3中继续分析InputManager的进一步启动过程之前,我们先来作一个小结,看看这个初始化过程都做什么事情:

A. 在Java层中的WindowManagerService中创建了一个InputManager对象,由它来负责管理Android应用程序框架层的键盘消息处理;

B. 在C++层也相应地创建一个InputManager本地对象来负责监控键盘事件;

C. 在C++层中的InputManager对象中,分别创建了一个InputReader对象和一个InputDispatcher对象,前者负责读取系统中的键盘消息,后者负责把键盘消息分发出去;

D. InputReader对象和一个InputDispatcher对象分别是通过InputReaderThread线程实例和InputDispatcherThread线程实例来实键盘消息的读取和分发的。

有了这些对象之后,万事就俱备了,回到Step 3中,调用InputManager类的start函数来执行真正的启动操作。

Step 10. InputManager.start


  1. public class InputManager {
  2. ......
  3. public void start() {
  4. Slog.i(TAG, "Starting input manager");
  5. nativeStart();
  6. }
  7. ......
  8. }
public class InputManager { ...... public void start() { Slog.i(TAG, "Starting input manager"); nativeStart(); } ...... }


Step 11. InputManager.nativeStart

这个函数定义在frameworks/base/services/jni$ vi com_android_server_InputManager.cpp文件中:

  1. static void android_server_InputManager_nativeStart(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
  2. if (checkInputManagerUnitialized(env)) {
  3. return;
  4. }
  5. status_t result = gNativeInputManager->getInputManager()->start();
  6. if (result) {
  7. jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "Input manager could not be started.");
  8. }
  9. }
static void android_server_InputManager_nativeStart(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) { if (checkInputManagerUnitialized(env)) { return; } status_t result = gNativeInputManager->getInputManager()->start(); if (result) { jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "Input manager could not be started."); } }

这里的gNativeInputManager对象是在前面的Step 6中创建的,通过它的getInputManager函数可以返回C++层的InputManager对象,接着调用这个InputManager对象的start函数。

Step 12. InputManager.start

这个函数定义在frameworks/base/libs/ui/InputManager.cpp 文件中:

  1. status_t InputManager::start() {
  2. status_t result = mDispatcherThread->run("InputDispatcher", PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY);
  3. if (result) {
  4. LOGE("Could not start InputDispatcher thread due to error %d.", result);
  5. return result;
  6. }
  7. result = mReaderThread->run("InputReader", PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY);
  8. if (result) {
  9. LOGE("Could not start InputReader thread due to error %d.", result);
  10. mDispatcherThread->requestExit();
  11. return result;
  12. }
  13. return OK;
  14. }
status_t InputManager::start() { status_t result = mDispatcherThread->run("InputDispatcher", PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY); if (result) { LOGE("Could not start InputDispatcher thread due to error %d.", result); return result; } result = mReaderThread->run("InputReader", PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY); if (result) { LOGE("Could not start InputReader thread due to error %d.", result); mDispatcherThread->requestExit(); return result; } return OK; }

这个函数主要就是分别启动一个InputDispatcherThread线程和一个InputReaderThread线程来读取和分发键盘消息的了。这里的InputDispatcherThread线程对象mDispatcherThread和InputReaderThread线程对象是在前面的Step 9中创建的,调用了它们的run函数后,就会进入到它们的threadLoop函数中去,只要threadLoop函数返回true,函数threadLoop就会一直被循环调用,于是这两个线程就起到了不断地读取和分发键盘消息的作用。


Step 13. InputDispatcherThread.threadLoop


  1. bool InputDispatcherThread::threadLoop() {
  2. mDispatcher->dispatchOnce();
  3. return true;
  4. }
bool InputDispatcherThread::threadLoop() { mDispatcher->dispatchOnce(); return true; }

这里的成员变量mDispatcher即为在前面Step 8中创建的InputDispatcher对象,调用它的dispatchOnce成员函数执行一次键盘消息分发的操作。

Step 14. InputDispatcher.dispatchOnce


  1. void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnce() {
  2. nsecs_t keyRepeatTimeout = mPolicy->getKeyRepeatTimeout();
  3. nsecs_t keyRepeatDelay = mPolicy->getKeyRepeatDelay();
  4. nsecs_t nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MAX;
  5. { // acquire lock
  6. AutoMutex _l(mLock);
  7. dispatchOnceInnerLocked(keyRepeatTimeout, keyRepeatDelay, & nextWakeupTime);
  8. if (runCommandsLockedInterruptible()) {
  9. nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN; // force next poll to wake up immediately
  10. }
  11. } // release lock
  12. // Wait for callback or timeout or wake. (make sure we round up, not down)
  13. nsecs_t currentTime = now();
  14. int32_t timeoutMillis;
  15. if (nextWakeupTime > currentTime) {
  16. uint64_t timeout = uint64_t(nextWakeupTime - currentTime);
  17. timeout = (timeout + 999999LL) / 1000000LL;
  18. timeoutMillis = timeout > INT_MAX ? -1 : int32_t(timeout);
  19. } else {
  20. timeoutMillis = 0;
  21. }
  22. mLooper->pollOnce(timeoutMillis);
  23. }
void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnce() { nsecs_t keyRepeatTimeout = mPolicy->getKeyRepeatTimeout(); nsecs_t keyRepeatDelay = mPolicy->getKeyRepeatDelay(); nsecs_t nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MAX; { // acquire lock AutoMutex _l(mLock); dispatchOnceInnerLocked(keyRepeatTimeout, keyRepeatDelay, & nextWakeupTime); if (runCommandsLockedInterruptible()) { nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN; // force next poll to wake up immediately } } // release lock // Wait for callback or timeout or wake. (make sure we round up, not down) nsecs_t currentTime = now(); int32_t timeoutMillis; if (nextWakeupTime > currentTime) { uint64_t timeout = uint64_t(nextWakeupTime - currentTime); timeout = (timeout + 999999LL) / 1000000LL; timeoutMillis = timeout > INT_MAX ? -1 : int32_t(timeout); } else { timeoutMillis = 0; } mLooper->pollOnce(timeoutMillis); }


Step 15. Looper.pollOnce


InputDispatcher类分发消息的过程就暂时分析到这里,后面会有更进一步的分析,现在,我们回到Step 12中,接着分析InputReader类读取键盘事件的过程。在调用了InputReaderThread线程类的run就函数后,同样会进入到InputReaderThread线程类的threadLoop函数中去。

Step 16. InputReaderThread.threadLoop


  1. bool InputReaderThread::threadLoop() {
  2. mReader->loopOnce();
  3. return true;
  4. }
bool InputReaderThread::threadLoop() { mReader->loopOnce(); return true; }

这里的成员变量mReader即为在前面Step 8中创建的InputReader对象,调用它的loopOnce成员函数执行一次键盘事件的读取操作。

Step 17. InputReader.loopOnce


  1. void InputReader::loopOnce() {
  2. RawEvent rawEvent;
  3. mEventHub->getEvent(& rawEvent);
  5. LOGD("Input event: device=0x%x type=0x%x scancode=%d keycode=%d value=%d",
  6. rawEvent.deviceId, rawEvent.type, rawEvent.scanCode, rawEvent.keyCode,
  7. rawEvent.value);
  8. #endif
  9. process(& rawEvent);
  10. }
void InputReader::loopOnce() { RawEvent rawEvent; mEventHub->getEvent(& rawEvent); #if DEBUG_RAW_EVENTS LOGD("Input event: device=0x%x type=0x%x scancode=%d keycode=%d value=%d", rawEvent.deviceId, rawEvent.type, rawEvent.scanCode, rawEvent.keyCode, rawEvent.value); #endif process(& rawEvent); }


Step 18. EventHub.getEvent


  1. bool EventHub::getEvent(RawEvent* outEvent)
  2. {
  3. outEvent->deviceId = 0;
  4. outEvent->type = 0;
  5. outEvent->scanCode = 0;
  6. outEvent->keyCode = 0;
  7. outEvent->flags = 0;
  8. outEvent->value = 0;
  9. outEvent->when = 0;
  10. // Note that we only allow one caller to getEvent(), so don't need
  11. // to do locking here... only when adding/removing devices.
  12. if (!mOpened) {
  13. mError = openPlatformInput() ? NO_ERROR : UNKNOWN_ERROR;
  14. mOpened = true;
  15. mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;
  16. }
  17. for (;;) {
  18. // Report any devices that had last been added/removed.
  19. if (mClosingDevices != NULL) {
  20. device_t* device = mClosingDevices;
  21. LOGV("Reporting device closed: id=0x%x, name=%s\n",
  22. device->id, device->path.string());
  23. mClosingDevices = device->next;
  24. if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) {
  25. outEvent->deviceId = 0;
  26. } else {
  27. outEvent->deviceId = device->id;
  28. }
  29. outEvent->type = DEVICE_REMOVED;
  30. outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
  31. delete device;
  32. mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;
  33. return true;
  34. }
  35. if (mOpeningDevices != NULL) {
  36. device_t* device = mOpeningDevices;
  37. LOGV("Reporting device opened: id=0x%x, name=%s\n",
  38. device->id, device->path.string());
  39. mOpeningDevices = device->next;
  40. if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) {
  41. outEvent->deviceId = 0;
  42. } else {
  43. outEvent->deviceId = device->id;
  44. }
  45. outEvent->type = DEVICE_ADDED;
  46. outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
  47. mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;
  48. return true;
  49. }
  50. if (mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan) {
  51. mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = false;
  52. outEvent->type = FINISHED_DEVICE_SCAN;
  53. outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
  54. return true;
  55. }
  56. // Grab the next input event.
  57. for (;;) {
  58. // Consume buffered input events, if any.
  59. if (mInputBufferIndex < mInputBufferCount) {
  60. const struct input_event& iev = mInputBufferData[mInputBufferIndex++];
  61. const device_t* device = mDevices[mInputDeviceIndex];
  62. LOGV("%s got: t0=%d, t1=%d, type=%d, code=%d, v=%d", device->path.string(),
  63. (int) iev.time.tv_sec, (int) iev.time.tv_usec, iev.type, iev.code, iev.value);
  64. if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) {
  65. outEvent->deviceId = 0;
  66. } else {
  67. outEvent->deviceId = device->id;
  68. }
  69. outEvent->type = iev.type;
  70. outEvent->scanCode = iev.code;
  71. if (iev.type == EV_KEY) {
  72. status_t err = device->layoutMap->map(iev.code,
  73. & outEvent->keyCode, & outEvent->flags);
  74. LOGV("iev.code=%d keyCode=%d flags=0x%08x err=%d\n",
  75. iev.code, outEvent->keyCode, outEvent->flags, err);
  76. if (err != 0) {
  77. outEvent->keyCode = AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN;
  78. outEvent->flags = 0;
  79. }
  80. } else {
  81. outEvent->keyCode = iev.code;
  82. }
  83. outEvent->value = iev.value;
  84. // Use an event timestamp in the same timebase as
  85. // java.lang.System.nanoTime() and android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
  86. // as expected by the rest of the system.
  87. outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
  88. return true;
  89. }
  90. // Finish reading all events from devices identified in previous poll().
  91. // This code assumes that mInputDeviceIndex is initially 0 and that the
  92. // revents member of pollfd is initialized to 0 when the device is first added.
  93. // Since mFDs[0] is used for inotify, we process regular events starting at index 1.
  94. mInputDeviceIndex += 1;
  95. if (mInputDeviceIndex >= mFDCount) {
  96. break;
  97. }
  98. const struct pollfd& pfd = mFDs[mInputDeviceIndex];
  99. if (pfd.revents & POLLIN) {
  100. int32_t readSize = read(pfd.fd, mInputBufferData,
  101. sizeof(struct input_event) * INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
  102. if (readSize < 0) {
  103. if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) {
  104. LOGW("could not get event (errno=%d)", errno);
  105. }
  106. } else if ((readSize % sizeof(struct input_event)) != 0) {
  107. LOGE("could not get event (wrong size: %d)", readSize);
  108. } else {
  109. mInputBufferCount = readSize / sizeof(struct input_event);
  110. mInputBufferIndex = 0;
  111. }
  112. }
  113. }
  114. ......
  115. mInputDeviceIndex = 0;
  116. // Poll for events. Mind the wake lock dance!
  117. // We hold a wake lock at all times except during poll(). This works due to some
  118. // subtle choreography. When a device driver has pending (unread) events, it acquires
  119. // a kernel wake lock. However, once the last pending event has been read, the device
  120. // driver will release the kernel wake lock. To prevent the system from going to sleep
  121. // when this happens, the EventHub holds onto its own user wake lock while the client
  122. // is processing events. Thus the system can only sleep if there are no events
  123. // pending or currently being processed.
  124. release_wake_lock(WAKE_LOCK_ID);
  125. int pollResult = poll(mFDs, mFDCount, -1);
  126. acquire_wake_lock(PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, WAKE_LOCK_ID);
  127. if (pollResult <= 0) {
  128. if (errno != EINTR) {
  129. LOGW("poll failed (errno=%d)\n", errno);
  130. usleep(100000);
  131. }
  132. }
  133. }
  134. }
bool EventHub::getEvent(RawEvent* outEvent) { outEvent->deviceId = 0; outEvent->type = 0; outEvent->scanCode = 0; outEvent->keyCode = 0; outEvent->flags = 0; outEvent->value = 0; outEvent->when = 0; // Note that we only allow one caller to getEvent(), so don't need // to do locking here... only when adding/removing devices. if (!mOpened) { mError = openPlatformInput() ? NO_ERROR : UNKNOWN_ERROR; mOpened = true; mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true; } for (;;) { // Report any devices that had last been added/removed. if (mClosingDevices != NULL) { device_t* device = mClosingDevices; LOGV("Reporting device closed: id=0x%x, name=%s\n", device->id, device->path.string()); mClosingDevices = device->next; if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) { outEvent->deviceId = 0; } else { outEvent->deviceId = device->id; } outEvent->type = DEVICE_REMOVED; outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); delete device; mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true; return true; } if (mOpeningDevices != NULL) { device_t* device = mOpeningDevices; LOGV("Reporting device opened: id=0x%x, name=%s\n", device->id, device->path.string()); mOpeningDevices = device->next; if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) { outEvent->deviceId = 0; } else { outEvent->deviceId = device->id; } outEvent->type = DEVICE_ADDED; outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true; return true; } if (mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan) { mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = false; outEvent->type = FINISHED_DEVICE_SCAN; outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); return true; } // Grab the next input event. for (;;) { // Consume buffered input events, if any. if (mInputBufferIndex < mInputBufferCount) { const struct input_event& iev = mInputBufferData[mInputBufferIndex++]; const device_t* device = mDevices[mInputDeviceIndex]; LOGV("%s got: t0=%d, t1=%d, type=%d, code=%d, v=%d", device->path.string(), (int) iev.time.tv_sec, (int) iev.time.tv_usec, iev.type, iev.code, iev.value); if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) { outEvent->deviceId = 0; } else { outEvent->deviceId = device->id; } outEvent->type = iev.type; outEvent->scanCode = iev.code; if (iev.type == EV_KEY) { status_t err = device->layoutMap->map(iev.code, & outEvent->keyCode, & outEvent->flags); LOGV("iev.code=%d keyCode=%d flags=0x%08x err=%d\n", iev.code, outEvent->keyCode, outEvent->flags, err); if (err != 0) { outEvent->keyCode = AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN; outEvent->flags = 0; } } else { outEvent->keyCode = iev.code; } outEvent->value = iev.value; // Use an event timestamp in the same timebase as // java.lang.System.nanoTime() and android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis() // as expected by the rest of the system. outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); return true; } // Finish reading all events from devices identified in previous poll(). // This code assumes that mInputDeviceIndex is initially 0 and that the // revents member of pollfd is initialized to 0 when the device is first added. // Since mFDs[0] is used for inotify, we process regular events starting at index 1. mInputDeviceIndex += 1; if (mInputDeviceIndex >= mFDCount) { break; } const struct pollfd& pfd = mFDs[mInputDeviceIndex]; if (pfd.revents & POLLIN) { int32_t readSize = read(pfd.fd, mInputBufferData, sizeof(struct input_event) * INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (readSize < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) { LOGW("could not get event (errno=%d)", errno); } } else if ((readSize % sizeof(struct input_event)) != 0) { LOGE("could not get event (wrong size: %d)", readSize); } else { mInputBufferCount = readSize / sizeof(struct input_event); mInputBufferIndex = 0; } } } ...... mInputDeviceIndex = 0; // Poll for events. Mind the wake lock dance! // We hold a wake lock at all times except during poll(). This works due to some // subtle choreography. When a device driver has pending (unread) events, it acquires // a kernel wake lock. However, once the last pending event has been read, the device // driver will release the kernel wake lock. To prevent the system from going to sleep // when this happens, the EventHub holds onto its own user wake lock while the client // is processing events. Thus the system can only sleep if there are no events // pending or currently being processed. release_wake_lock(WAKE_LOCK_ID); int pollResult = poll(mFDs, mFDCount, -1); acquire_wake_lock(PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, WAKE_LOCK_ID); if (pollResult <= 0) { if (errno != EINTR) { LOGW("poll failed (errno=%d)\n", errno); usleep(100000); } } } }




Step 19. EventHub.openPlatformInput


  1. bool EventHub::openPlatformInput(void)
  2. {
  3. ......
  4. res = scanDir(device_path);
  5. if(res < 0) {
  6. LOGE("scan dir failed for %s\n", device_path);
  7. }
  8. return true;
  9. }
bool EventHub::openPlatformInput(void) { ...... res = scanDir(device_path); if(res < 0) { LOGE("scan dir failed for %s\n", device_path); } return true; }


  1. static const char *device_path = "/dev/input";
static const char *device_path = "/dev/input";


Step 20. EventHub.scanDir


  1. int EventHub::scanDir(const char *dirname)
  2. {
  3. char devname[PATH_MAX];
  4. char *filename;
  5. DIR *dir;
  6. struct dirent *de;
  7. dir = opendir(dirname);
  8. if(dir == NULL)
  9. return -1;
  10. strcpy(devname, dirname);
  11. filename = devname + strlen(devname);
  12. *filename++ = '/';
  13. while((de = readdir(dir))) {
  14. if(de->d_name[0] == '.' &&
  15. (de->d_name[1] == '\0' ||
  16. (de->d_name[1] == '.' && de->d_name[2] == '\0')))
  17. continue;
  18. strcpy(filename, de->d_name);
  19. openDevice(devname);
  20. }
  21. closedir(dir);
  22. return 0;
  23. }
int EventHub::scanDir(const char *dirname) { char devname[PATH_MAX]; char *filename; DIR *dir; struct dirent *de; dir = opendir(dirname); if(dir == NULL) return -1; strcpy(devname, dirname); filename = devname + strlen(devname); *filename++ = '/'; while((de = readdir(dir))) { if(de->d_name[0] == '.' && (de->d_name[1] == '\0' || (de->d_name[1] == '.' && de->d_name[2] == '\0'))) continue; strcpy(filename, de->d_name); openDevice(devname); } closedir(dir); return 0; }


Step 21. EventHub.openDevice

  1. int EventHub::openDevice(const char *deviceName) {
  2. int version;
  3. int fd;
  4. struct pollfd *new_mFDs;
  5. device_t **new_devices;
  6. char **new_device_names;
  7. char name[80];
  8. char location[80];
  9. char idstr[80];
  10. struct input_id id;
  11. LOGV("Opening device: %s", deviceName);
  12. AutoMutex _l(mLock);
  13. fd = open(deviceName, O_RDWR);
  14. if(fd < 0) {
  15. LOGE("could not open %s, %s\n", deviceName, strerror(errno));
  16. return -1;
  17. }
  18. ......
  19. int devid = 0;
  20. while (devid < mNumDevicesById) {
  21. if (mDevicesById[devid].device == NULL) {
  22. break;
  23. }
  24. devid++;
  25. }
  26. ......
  27. mDevicesById[devid].seq = (mDevicesById[devid].seq+(1<<SEQ_SHIFT))&SEQ_MASK;
  28. if (mDevicesById[devid].seq == 0) {
  29. mDevicesById[devid].seq = 1<<SEQ_SHIFT;
  30. }
  31. new_mFDs = (pollfd*)realloc(mFDs, sizeof(mFDs[0]) * (mFDCount + 1));
  32. new_devices = (device_t**)realloc(mDevices, sizeof(mDevices[0]) * (mFDCount + 1));
  33. if (new_mFDs == NULL || new_devices == NULL) {
  34. LOGE("out of memory");
  35. return -1;
  36. }
  37. mFDs = new_mFDs;
  38. mDevices = new_devices;
  39. ......
  40. device_t* device = new device_t(devid|mDevicesById[devid].seq, deviceName, name);
  41. if (device == NULL) {
  42. LOGE("out of memory");
  43. return -1;
  44. }
  45. device->fd = fd;
  46. mFDs[mFDCount].fd = fd;
  47. mFDs[mFDCount].events = POLLIN;
  48. mFDs[mFDCount].revents = 0;
  49. // Figure out the kinds of events the device reports.
  50. uint8_t key_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1)];
  51. memset(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof(key_bitmask));
  52. LOGV("Getting keys...");
  53. if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(key_bitmask)), key_bitmask) >= 0) {
  54. // See if this is a keyboard. Ignore everything in the button range except for
  55. // gamepads which are also considered keyboards.
  56. if (containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof_bit_array(BTN_MISC))
  57. || containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, sizeof_bit_array(BTN_GAMEPAD),
  58. sizeof_bit_array(BTN_DIGI))
  59. || containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, sizeof_bit_array(KEY_OK),
  60. sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1))) {
  61. device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD;
  62. device->keyBitmask = new uint8_t[sizeof(key_bitmask)];
  63. if (device->keyBitmask != NULL) {
  64. memcpy(device->keyBitmask, key_bitmask, sizeof(key_bitmask));
  65. } else {
  66. delete device;
  67. LOGE("out of memory allocating key bitmask");
  68. return -1;
  69. }
  70. }
  71. }
  72. ......
  73. if ((device->classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD) != 0) {
  74. char tmpfn[sizeof(name)];
  75. char keylayoutFilename[300];
  76. // a more descriptive name
  77. device->name = name;
  78. // replace all the spaces with underscores
  79. strcpy(tmpfn, name);
  80. for (char *p = strchr(tmpfn, ' '); p && *p; p = strchr(tmpfn, ' '))
  81. *p = '_';
  82. // find the .kl file we need for this device
  83. const char* root = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
  84. snprintf(keylayoutFilename, sizeof(keylayoutFilename),
  85. "%s/usr/keylayout/%s.kl", root, tmpfn);
  86. bool defaultKeymap = false;
  87. if (access(keylayoutFilename, R_OK)) {
  88. snprintf(keylayoutFilename, sizeof(keylayoutFilename),
  89. "%s/usr/keylayout/%s", root, "qwerty.kl");
  90. defaultKeymap = true;
  91. }
  92. status_t status = device->layoutMap->load(keylayoutFilename);
  93. if (status) {
  94. LOGE("Error %d loading key layout.", status);
  95. }
  96. // tell the world about the devname (the descriptive name)
  97. if (!mHaveFirstKeyboard && !defaultKeymap && strstr(name, "-keypad")) {
  98. // the built-in keyboard has a well-known device ID of 0,
  99. // this device better not go away.
  100. mHaveFirstKeyboard = true;
  101. mFirstKeyboardId = device->id;
  102. property_set("hw.keyboards.0.devname", name);
  103. } else {
  104. // ensure mFirstKeyboardId is set to -something-.
  105. if (mFirstKeyboardId == 0) {
  106. mFirstKeyboardId = device->id;
  107. }
  108. }
  109. char propName[100];
  110. sprintf(propName, "hw.keyboards.%u.devname", device->id);
  111. property_set(propName, name);
  112. // 'Q' key support = cheap test of whether this is an alpha-capable kbd
  113. if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_Q)) {
  114. device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_ALPHAKEY;
  115. }
  116. // See if this device has a DPAD.
  117. if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP) &&
  118. hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) &&
  119. hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT) &&
  120. hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT) &&
  121. hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)) {
  122. device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_DPAD;
  123. }
  124. // See if this device has a gamepad.
  125. for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES)/sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[0]); i++) {
  126. if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[i])) {
  127. device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_GAMEPAD;
  128. break;
  129. }
  130. }
  131. LOGI("New keyboard: device->id=0x%x devname='%s' propName='%s' keylayout='%s'\n",
  132. device->id, name, propName, keylayoutFilename);
  133. }
  134. ......
  135. mDevicesById[devid].device = device;
  136. device->next = mOpeningDevices;
  137. mOpeningDevices = device;
  138. mDevices[mFDCount] = device;
  139. mFDCount++;
  140. return 0;
  141. }
int EventHub::openDevice(const char *deviceName) { int version; int fd; struct pollfd *new_mFDs; device_t **new_devices; char **new_device_names; char name[80]; char location[80]; char idstr[80]; struct input_id id; LOGV("Opening device: %s", deviceName); AutoMutex _l(mLock); fd = open(deviceName, O_RDWR); if(fd < 0) { LOGE("could not open %s, %s\n", deviceName, strerror(errno)); return -1; } ...... int devid = 0; while (devid < mNumDevicesById) { if (mDevicesById[devid].device == NULL) { break; } devid++; } ...... mDevicesById[devid].seq = (mDevicesById[devid].seq+(1<<SEQ_SHIFT))&SEQ_MASK; if (mDevicesById[devid].seq == 0) { mDevicesById[devid].seq = 1<<SEQ_SHIFT; } new_mFDs = (pollfd*)realloc(mFDs, sizeof(mFDs[0]) * (mFDCount + 1)); new_devices = (device_t**)realloc(mDevices, sizeof(mDevices[0]) * (mFDCount + 1)); if (new_mFDs == NULL || new_devices == NULL) { LOGE("out of memory"); return -1; } mFDs = new_mFDs; mDevices = new_devices; ...... device_t* device = new device_t(devid|mDevicesById[devid].seq, deviceName, name); if (device == NULL) { LOGE("out of memory"); return -1; } device->fd = fd; mFDs[mFDCount].fd = fd; mFDs[mFDCount].events = POLLIN; mFDs[mFDCount].revents = 0; // Figure out the kinds of events the device reports. uint8_t key_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1)]; memset(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof(key_bitmask)); LOGV("Getting keys..."); if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(key_bitmask)), key_bitmask) >= 0) { // See if this is a keyboard. Ignore everything in the button range except for // gamepads which are also considered keyboards. if (containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof_bit_array(BTN_MISC)) || containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, sizeof_bit_array(BTN_GAMEPAD), sizeof_bit_array(BTN_DIGI)) || containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, sizeof_bit_array(KEY_OK), sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1))) { device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD; device->keyBitmask = new uint8_t[sizeof(key_bitmask)]; if (device->keyBitmask != NULL) { memcpy(device->keyBitmask, key_bitmask, sizeof(key_bitmask)); } else { delete device; LOGE("out of memory allocating key bitmask"); return -1; } } } ...... if ((device->classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD) != 0) { char tmpfn[sizeof(name)]; char keylayoutFilename[300]; // a more descriptive name device->name = name; // replace all the spaces with underscores strcpy(tmpfn, name); for (char *p = strchr(tmpfn, ' '); p && *p; p = strchr(tmpfn, ' ')) *p = '_'; // find the .kl file we need for this device const char* root = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT"); snprintf(keylayoutFilename, sizeof(keylayoutFilename), "%s/usr/keylayout/%s.kl", root, tmpfn); bool defaultKeymap = false; if (access(keylayoutFilename, R_OK)) { snprintf(keylayoutFilename, sizeof(keylayoutFilename), "%s/usr/keylayout/%s", root, "qwerty.kl"); defaultKeymap = true; } status_t status = device->layoutMap->load(keylayoutFilename); if (status) { LOGE("Error %d loading key layout.", status); } // tell the world about the devname (the descriptive name) if (!mHaveFirstKeyboard && !defaultKeymap && strstr(name, "-keypad")) { // the built-in keyboard has a well-known device ID of 0, // this device better not go away. mHaveFirstKeyboard = true; mFirstKeyboardId = device->id; property_set("hw.keyboards.0.devname", name); } else { // ensure mFirstKeyboardId is set to -something-. if (mFirstKeyboardId == 0) { mFirstKeyboardId = device->id; } } char propName[100]; sprintf(propName, "hw.keyboards.%u.devname", device->id); property_set(propName, name); // 'Q' key support = cheap test of whether this is an alpha-capable kbd if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_Q)) { device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_ALPHAKEY; } // See if this device has a DPAD. if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP) && hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) && hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT) && hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT) && hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)) { device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_DPAD; } // See if this device has a gamepad. for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES)/sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[0]); i++) { if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[i])) { device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_GAMEPAD; break; } } LOGI("New keyboard: device->id=0x%x devname='%s' propName='%s' keylayout='%s'\n", device->id, name, propName, keylayoutFilename); } ...... mDevicesById[devid].device = device; device->next = mOpeningDevices; mOpeningDevices = device; mDevices[mFDCount] = device; mFDCount++; return 0; }


  1. fd = open(deviceName, O_RDWR);
fd = open(deviceName, O_RDWR);


  1. mDevicesById[devid].seq = (mDevicesById[devid].seq+(1<<SEQ_SHIFT))&SEQ_MASK;
  2. if (mDevicesById[devid].seq == 0) {
  3. mDevicesById[devid].seq = 1<<SEQ_SHIFT;
  4. }
mDevicesById[devid].seq = (mDevicesById[devid].seq+(1<<SEQ_SHIFT))&SEQ_MASK; if (mDevicesById[devid].seq == 0) { mDevicesById[devid].seq = 1<<SEQ_SHIFT; }


  1. mDevicesById[devid].seq = (mDevicesById[devid].seq+(1<<SEQ_SHIFT))&SEQ_MASK;
  2. if (mDevicesById[devid].seq == 0) {
  3. mDevicesById[devid].seq = 1<<SEQ_SHIFT;
  4. }
  5. new_mFDs = (pollfd*)realloc(mFDs, sizeof(mFDs[0]) * (mFDCount + 1));
  6. new_devices = (device_t**)realloc(mDevices, sizeof(mDevices[0]) * (mFDCount + 1));
  7. if (new_mFDs == NULL || new_devices == NULL) {
  8. LOGE("out of memory");
  9. return -1;
  10. }
  11. mFDs = new_mFDs;
  12. mDevices = new_devices;
  13. ......
  14. device_t* device = new device_t(devid|mDevicesById[devid].seq, deviceName, name);
  15. if (device == NULL) {
  16. LOGE("out of memory");
  17. return -1;
  18. }
  19. device->fd = fd;
mDevicesById[devid].seq = (mDevicesById[devid].seq+(1<<SEQ_SHIFT))&SEQ_MASK; if (mDevicesById[devid].seq == 0) { mDevicesById[devid].seq = 1<<SEQ_SHIFT; } new_mFDs = (pollfd*)realloc(mFDs, sizeof(mFDs[0]) * (mFDCount + 1)); new_devices = (device_t**)realloc(mDevices, sizeof(mDevices[0]) * (mFDCount + 1)); if (new_mFDs == NULL || new_devices == NULL) { LOGE("out of memory"); return -1; } mFDs = new_mFDs; mDevices = new_devices; ...... device_t* device = new device_t(devid|mDevicesById[devid].seq, deviceName, name); if (device == NULL) { LOGE("out of memory"); return -1; } device->fd = fd;


  1. mFDs[mFDCount].fd = fd;
  2. mFDs[mFDCount].events = POLLIN;
  3. mFDs[mFDCount].revents = 0;
mFDs[mFDCount].fd = fd; mFDs[mFDCount].events = POLLIN; mFDs[mFDCount].revents = 0;


  1. // Figure out the kinds of events the device reports.
  2. uint8_t key_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1)];
  3. memset(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof(key_bitmask));
  4. LOGV("Getting keys...");
  5. if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(key_bitmask)), key_bitmask) >= 0) {
  6. // See if this is a keyboard. Ignore everything in the button range except for
  7. // gamepads which are also considered keyboards.
  8. if (containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof_bit_array(BTN_MISC))
  9. || containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, sizeof_bit_array(BTN_GAMEPAD),
  10. sizeof_bit_array(BTN_DIGI))
  11. || containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, sizeof_bit_array(KEY_OK),
  12. sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1))) {
  13. device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD;
  14. device->keyBitmask = new uint8_t[sizeof(key_bitmask)];
  15. if (device->keyBitmask != NULL) {
  16. memcpy(device->keyBitmask, key_bitmask, sizeof(key_bitmask));
  17. } else {
  18. delete device;
  19. LOGE("out of memory allocating key bitmask");
  20. return -1;
  21. }
  22. }
  23. }
// Figure out the kinds of events the device reports. uint8_t key_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1)]; memset(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof(key_bitmask)); LOGV("Getting keys..."); if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(key_bitmask)), key_bitmask) >= 0) { // See if this is a keyboard. Ignore everything in the button range except for // gamepads which are also considered keyboards. if (containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof_bit_array(BTN_MISC)) || containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, sizeof_bit_array(BTN_GAMEPAD), sizeof_bit_array(BTN_DIGI)) || containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, sizeof_bit_array(KEY_OK), sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1))) { device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD; device->keyBitmask = new uint8_t[sizeof(key_bitmask)]; if (device->keyBitmask != NULL) { memcpy(device->keyBitmask, key_bitmask, sizeof(key_bitmask)); } else { delete device; LOGE("out of memory allocating key bitmask"); return -1; } } }


  1. if ((device->classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD) != 0) {
  2. char tmpfn[sizeof(name)];
  3. char keylayoutFilename[300];
  4. // a more descriptive name
  5. device->name = name;
  6. // replace all the spaces with underscores
  7. strcpy(tmpfn, name);
  8. for (char *p = strchr(tmpfn, ' '); p && *p; p = strchr(tmpfn, ' '))
  9. *p = '_';
  10. // find the .kl file we need for this device
  11. const char* root = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
  12. snprintf(keylayoutFilename, sizeof(keylayoutFilename),
  13. "%s/usr/keylayout/%s.kl", root, tmpfn);
  14. bool defaultKeymap = false;
  15. if (access(keylayoutFilename, R_OK)) {
  16. snprintf(keylayoutFilename, sizeof(keylayoutFilename),
  17. "%s/usr/keylayout/%s", root, "qwerty.kl");
  18. defaultKeymap = true;
  19. }
  20. status_t status = device->layoutMap->load(keylayoutFilename);
  21. if (status) {
  22. LOGE("Error %d loading key layout.", status);
  23. }
  24. // tell the world about the devname (the descriptive name)
  25. if (!mHaveFirstKeyboard && !defaultKeymap && strstr(name, "-keypad")) {
  26. // the built-in keyboard has a well-known device ID of 0,
  27. // this device better not go away.
  28. mHaveFirstKeyboard = true;
  29. mFirstKeyboardId = device->id;
  30. property_set("hw.keyboards.0.devname", name);
  31. } else {
  32. // ensure mFirstKeyboardId is set to -something-.
  33. if (mFirstKeyboardId == 0) {
  34. mFirstKeyboardId = device->id;
  35. }
  36. }
  37. char propName[100];
  38. sprintf(propName, "hw.keyboards.%u.devname", device->id);
  39. property_set(propName, name);
  40. // 'Q' key support = cheap test of whether this is an alpha-capable kbd
  41. if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_Q)) {
  42. device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_ALPHAKEY;
  43. }
  44. // See if this device has a DPAD.
  45. if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP) &&
  46. hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) &&
  47. hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT) &&
  48. hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT) &&
  49. hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)) {
  50. device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_DPAD;
  51. }
  52. // See if this device has a gamepad.
  53. for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES)/sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[0]); i++) {
  54. if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[i])) {
  55. device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_GAMEPAD;
  56. break;
  57. }
  58. }
  59. LOGI("New keyboard: device->id=0x%x devname='%s' propName='%s' keylayout='%s'\n",
  60. device->id, name, propName, keylayoutFilename);
  61. }
if ((device->classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD) != 0) { char tmpfn[sizeof(name)]; char keylayoutFilename[300]; // a more descriptive name device->name = name; // replace all the spaces with underscores strcpy(tmpfn, name); for (char *p = strchr(tmpfn, ' '); p && *p; p = strchr(tmpfn, ' ')) *p = '_'; // find the .kl file we need for this device const char* root = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT"); snprintf(keylayoutFilename, sizeof(keylayoutFilename), "%s/usr/keylayout/%s.kl", root, tmpfn); bool defaultKeymap = false; if (access(keylayoutFilename, R_OK)) { snprintf(keylayoutFilename, sizeof(keylayoutFilename), "%s/usr/keylayout/%s", root, "qwerty.kl"); defaultKeymap = true; } status_t status = device->layoutMap->load(keylayoutFilename); if (status) { LOGE("Error %d loading key layout.", status); } // tell the world about the devname (the descriptive name) if (!mHaveFirstKeyboard && !defaultKeymap && strstr(name, "-keypad")) { // the built-in keyboard has a well-known device ID of 0, // this device better not go away. mHaveFirstKeyboard = true; mFirstKeyboardId = device->id; property_set("hw.keyboards.0.devname", name); } else { // ensure mFirstKeyboardId is set to -something-. if (mFirstKeyboardId == 0) { mFirstKeyboardId = device->id; } } char propName[100]; sprintf(propName, "hw.keyboards.%u.devname", device->id); property_set(propName, name); // 'Q' key support = cheap test of whether this is an alpha-capable kbd if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_Q)) { device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_ALPHAKEY; } // See if this device has a DPAD. if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP) && hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) && hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT) && hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT) && hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)) { device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_DPAD; } // See if this device has a gamepad. for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES)/sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[0]); i++) { if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[i])) { device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_GAMEPAD; break; } } LOGI("New keyboard: device->id=0x%x devname='%s' propName='%s' keylayout='%s'\n", device->id, name, propName, keylayoutFilename); }


回到Step 18中,我们继续分析EventHub.getEvent函数的实现。


  1. // Report any devices that had last been added/removed.
  2. if (mClosingDevices != NULL) {
  3. device_t* device = mClosingDevices;
  4. LOGV("Reporting device closed: id=0x%x, name=%s\n",
  5. device->id, device->path.string());
  6. mClosingDevices = device->next;
  7. if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) {
  8. outEvent->deviceId = 0;
  9. } else {
  10. outEvent->deviceId = device->id;
  11. }
  12. outEvent->type = DEVICE_REMOVED;
  13. outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
  14. delete device;
  15. mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;
  16. return true;
  17. }
// Report any devices that had last been added/removed. if (mClosingDevices != NULL) { device_t* device = mClosingDevices; LOGV("Reporting device closed: id=0x%x, name=%s\n", device->id, device->path.string()); mClosingDevices = device->next; if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) { outEvent->deviceId = 0; } else { outEvent->deviceId = device->id; } outEvent->type = DEVICE_REMOVED; outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); delete device; mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true; return true; }


  1. if (mOpeningDevices != NULL) {
  2. device_t* device = mOpeningDevices;
  3. LOGV("Reporting device opened: id=0x%x, name=%s\n",
  4. device->id, device->path.string());
  5. mOpeningDevices = device->next;
  6. if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) {
  7. outEvent->deviceId = 0;
  8. } else {
  9. outEvent->deviceId = device->id;
  10. }
  11. outEvent->type = DEVICE_ADDED;
  12. outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
  13. mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;
  14. return true;
  15. }
if (mOpeningDevices != NULL) { device_t* device = mOpeningDevices; LOGV("Reporting device opened: id=0x%x, name=%s\n", device->id, device->path.string()); mOpeningDevices = device->next; if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) { outEvent->deviceId = 0; } else { outEvent->deviceId = device->id; } outEvent->type = DEVICE_ADDED; outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true; return true; }


  1. if (mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan) {
  2. mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = false;
  3. outEvent->type = FINISHED_DEVICE_SCAN;
  4. outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
  5. return true;
  6. }
if (mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan) { mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = false; outEvent->type = FINISHED_DEVICE_SCAN; outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); return true; }


  1. // Grab the next input event.
  2. for (;;) {
  3. // Consume buffered input events, if any.
  4. if (mInputBufferIndex < mInputBufferCount) {
  5. const struct input_event& iev = mInputBufferData[mInputBufferIndex++];
  6. const device_t* device = mDevices[mInputDeviceIndex];
  7. LOGV("%s got: t0=%d, t1=%d, type=%d, code=%d, v=%d", device->path.string(),
  8. (int) iev.time.tv_sec, (int) iev.time.tv_usec, iev.type, iev.code, iev.value);
  9. if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) {
  10. outEvent->deviceId = 0;
  11. } else {
  12. outEvent->deviceId = device->id;
  13. }
  14. outEvent->type = iev.type;
  15. outEvent->scanCode = iev.code;
  16. if (iev.type == EV_KEY) {
  17. status_t err = device->layoutMap->map(iev.code,
  18. & outEvent->keyCode, & outEvent->flags);
  19. LOGV("iev.code=%d keyCode=%d flags=0x%08x err=%d\n",
  20. iev.code, outEvent->keyCode, outEvent->flags, err);
  21. if (err != 0) {
  22. outEvent->keyCode = AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN;
  23. outEvent->flags = 0;
  24. }
  25. } else {
  26. outEvent->keyCode = iev.code;
  27. }
  28. outEvent->value = iev.value;
  29. // Use an event timestamp in the same timebase as
  30. // java.lang.System.nanoTime() and android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
  31. // as expected by the rest of the system.
  32. outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
  33. return true;
  34. }
  35. // Finish reading all events from devices identified in previous poll().
  36. // This code assumes that mInputDeviceIndex is initially 0 and that the
  37. // revents member of pollfd is initialized to 0 when the device is first added.
  38. // Since mFDs[0] is used for inotify, we process regular events starting at index 1.
  39. mInputDeviceIndex += 1;
  40. if (mInputDeviceIndex >= mFDCount) {
  41. break;
  42. }
  43. const struct pollfd& pfd = mFDs[mInputDeviceIndex];
  44. if (pfd.revents & POLLIN) {
  45. int32_t readSize = read(pfd.fd, mInputBufferData,
  46. sizeof(struct input_event) * INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
  47. if (readSize < 0) {
  48. if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) {
  49. LOGW("could not get event (errno=%d)", errno);
  50. }
  51. } else if ((readSize % sizeof(struct input_event)) != 0) {
  52. LOGE("could not get event (wrong size: %d)", readSize);
  53. } else {
  54. mInputBufferCount = readSize / sizeof(struct input_event);
  55. mInputBufferIndex = 0;
  56. }
  57. }
  58. }
// Grab the next input event. for (;;) { // Consume buffered input events, if any. if (mInputBufferIndex < mInputBufferCount) { const struct input_event& iev = mInputBufferData[mInputBufferIndex++]; const device_t* device = mDevices[mInputDeviceIndex]; LOGV("%s got: t0=%d, t1=%d, type=%d, code=%d, v=%d", device->path.string(), (int) iev.time.tv_sec, (int) iev.time.tv_usec, iev.type, iev.code, iev.value); if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) { outEvent->deviceId = 0; } else { outEvent->deviceId = device->id; } outEvent->type = iev.type; outEvent->scanCode = iev.code; if (iev.type == EV_KEY) { status_t err = device->layoutMap->map(iev.code, & outEvent->keyCode, & outEvent->flags); LOGV("iev.code=%d keyCode=%d flags=0x%08x err=%d\n", iev.code, outEvent->keyCode, outEvent->flags, err); if (err != 0) { outEvent->keyCode = AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN; outEvent->flags = 0; } } else { outEvent->keyCode = iev.code; } outEvent->value = iev.value; // Use an event timestamp in the same timebase as // java.lang.System.nanoTime() and android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis() // as expected by the rest of the system. outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC); return true; } // Finish reading all events from devices identified in previous poll(). // This code assumes that mInputDeviceIndex is initially 0 and that the // revents member of pollfd is initialized to 0 when the device is first added. // Since mFDs[0] is used for inotify, we process regular events starting at index 1. mInputDeviceIndex += 1; if (mInputDeviceIndex >= mFDCount) { break; } const struct pollfd& pfd = mFDs[mInputDeviceIndex]; if (pfd.revents & POLLIN) { int32_t readSize = read(pfd.fd, mInputBufferData, sizeof(struct input_event) * INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (readSize < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) { LOGW("could not get event (errno=%d)", errno); } } else if ((readSize % sizeof(struct input_event)) != 0) { LOGE("could not get event (wrong size: %d)", readSize); } else { mInputBufferCount = readSize / sizeof(struct input_event); mInputBufferIndex = 0; } } }


  1. int pollResult = poll(mFDs, mFDCount, -1);
int pollResult = poll(mFDs, mFDCount, -1);


Step 22. poll



2. 应用程序注册键盘消息接收通道的过程分析

InputManager启动以后,就开始负责监控键盘输入事件了。当InputManager监控到键盘输入事件时,它应该把这个键盘事件分发给谁呢?当然是要把这个键盘消息分发给当前激活的Activity窗口了,不过,当前激活的Activity窗口还需要主动注册一个键盘消息接收通道到InputManager中去,InputManager才能把这个键盘消息分发给它处理。那么,当前被激活的Activity窗口又是什么时候去注册这个键盘消息接收通道的呢?在前面一篇文章Android应用程序启动过程源代码分析中,我们分析Android应用程序的启动过程时,在Step 33中分析到ActivityThread类的handleLaunchActivity函数中,我们曾经说过,当函数handleLaunchActivity调用performLaunchActivity函数来加载这个完毕应用程序的默认Activity后,再次回到handleLaunchActivity函数时,会调用handleResumeActivity函数来使这个Activity进入Resumed状态。在调用handleResumeActivity函数的过程中,ActivityThread会通过android.view.WindowManagerImpl类为该Activity创建一个ViewRoot实例,并且会通过调用ViewRoot类的setView成员函数把与该Activity关联的View设置到这个ViewRoot中去,而Activity正是通过ViewRoot类的setView成员函数来注册键盘消息接收通道的。





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