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2013-5-18 22:07:58  Posted by admin

在AndroidNDK中的samples\hello-gl2下的实例,在Android的模拟器下运行,如果不该任何代码,会出现错误: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(258): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No configs match configSpec



if (numConfigs <= 0) { throw ...

Drawing Textures Using

2013-5-16 14:56:43  Posted by admin

I'm trying to use OpenGL for the first time under iOS in an attempt to render a stream of YUV images by converting them to RGB. I've looked around and found some examples here and there, and I'm planning on using the vertex/fragment shaders provided in Apple's GLCameraRipple sample code. I unders...

Fast Blit with OpenGL

2013-5-16 11:02:01  Posted by admin

OpenGL ES 2.0 is fully shader based, which means you can’t draw any geometry without having the appropriate shaders loaded and bound. This means there is more setup code required to render than there was in OpenGL ES 1.1 with fixed pipeline.

Setting up the OpenGL ES 2.0 pipeline.


解决NDK出现error: exceptio

2012-12-19 21:41:55  Posted by admin

转载请注明出处:http://drovik.com/html/8410924155.html  谢谢!



UDT的android平台移植过程中,在用NDK编译buffer.cpp文件时出现error: exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enable。


此问题的出现是编译器的异常异常捕获被禁用了,需要在Android.mk文件中开启。在Android.mk文件中添加: LOCAL...

解决can't open file /cyg

2012-12-19 21:24:45  Posted by admin




    can't open file /cygdrive/e/android-ndk-r7/build/awk/check-awk.awk

    source line number 1 source fi...

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